Four Season Tents for Winter Camping
A standard winter camping tent. Roomier and heavier than a three
season tent, these tents are designed for nasty winter weather. |
Anyone who plans on camping out during the winter months better plan on
having a four season tent. While a standard three person tent can work
in a "pinch", a three person tent is a recipe for total disaster for winter
camping. There are several reasons for this.
First, winter camping tents are designed to shed snow. Unlike a three
season tent, a four season tent will shed the snow off the sides, preventing
the tent from bowing inward due to the weight of snow (or in extreme
cases, from collapsing altogether).
Second, a winter camping tent has thicker walls. The increased thickness
provides for both extra insulation against the cold of winter as well
as provides for a much more solid windbreak, something that is vital
during the winter.
And lastly, winter tents are far more durable. They have been designed
to withstand the rigors of high winds and ultra-cold temperatures. In
many winter conditions, a standard three person tent can fall apart completely.
All these tents are available through Backcountry.Com.
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