Sleeping Bag Guide
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Sleeping Bags
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Lightweight Sleeping Bags
Lightweight Synthetic Sleeping Bags : Synthetic bags are ideal for where there are concerns you might get your bag wet. Synethic bags are also less-expensive than down bags, too. |
Lightweight Down Sleeping Bags : Goose down bags are ideal where you need ultra-light weight and where "pack-down" space is at a premium...such as bike camping. |
Many people wonder what good a lightweight sleeping bag is. After all, these bags have temperature ratings that are above freezing. Yet, while not an ideal bag for Montana (even during the summer), these bags have many practical uses, including:
Similar to other sleeping bags, lightweight bags come in two varieties - one filled with goose down and one filled with synthetic. And just like other, warmer bags, each types of fill have their good and bad things about them.
Goose down bags will be smaller and tend to run a bit warmer. However, goose down bags become next to useless when wet and take seemingly forever to dry out. Thus, if you think there is a real risk of getting the bag wet, or if you frequently camp in rainy weather, go with synthetic.
However, if you plan on doing the bulk of your camping in very dry climates, such as the desert Southwest, then by all means, go with a goose down bag. The extra wet savings and the absolutely tiny package the bag stuffs into makes the slight risk of getting the bag wet a worthy tradeoff.
The temperature ratings of lightweight sleeping bags vary from model to model, but all are rated for above-freezing weather. However, there are several things to keep in mind:
Lightweight Synthetic Sleeping Bags : Synthetic bags are ideal for where there are concerns you might get your bag wet. Synethic bags are also less-expensive than down bags, too. |
Lightweight Down Sleeping Bags : Goose down bags are ideal where you need ultra-light weight and where "pack-down" space is at a premium...such as bike camping. |
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