Outdoor Gear Related Websites
Shown on this page are links to various retailers of fishing and other outdoor gear, with an emphasis on "fishing."
- Orvis : Retailer of high quality fly fishing gear and other outdoor gear.
- Cabela's : Cabela's offers a tremendous amount of high quality gear for all outdoor occasions. Huge selection of fly fishing gear.
- Bass Pro Shops : Massive amounts of fishing and fly fishing gear, among other outdoor gear.
- Sierra Trading Post : Sells overstocked and clearance gear. Wide selection of fishing related gear.
- Backcountry.Com : Wide selection of technical hiking, backpacking and camping gear.
- Eastern Mountain Sports : Another excellent source of technical outdoor gear and clothing, including paddling equipment.
- Greycliff Publishing : Come to the Greycliff Website, where you will find the original, outrageous humor and timeless wisdom created by Gary LaFontaine, monthly fishing tips, and lots of other great fly fishing and tying products, books, and videos, select LaFontaine fly patterns also available.
- Half Buck Fly Shop : An online fly shop offering over 550 patterns of quality guaranteed flies ranging from $.50 to $.58 each. Where the guides shop. You won't find better workmanship or prices.
- Troutlet : Fishing gear plus a great section on trout recipes.
- Identicards : Sells identicards of fish and wildlife.
- Featherside Flies : Hand tied Fishing Flies for Maine and Northeastern Canada.
- Fish N' Gifts : Fishing t-shirts, fishing gifts and fishing novelties. "Perfect Gifts for Everyone Who Loves To Fish".
- Riverfish.net : Makes custom, fishing related screen savers.
- Kick n' Bass : The most powerful bass attractants in the world.
- The Rod Leash : Manufacturers a unique leash that holds a fly rod securely. Very handy accessory to use when fishing from a pontoon boat or float tube.
- Tyger Leader : Visit our online catalog of our famous "Tie-able"stainless steel leader. Manufacturer wholesale and retail - Also visit our Forum or Ask TyGer.
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