Google Adsense & Content Web Sites
Search the Internet. I dare you - search for something along the lines of making money with Google Adsense. You'll see lots of stories and claims, some of which are true. You see, you can indeed make money, sometimes a lot of it, with Google Adsense. But like everything else in life, it isn't guaranteed and it isn't nearly as easy as these websites make it out to be.
What Is Google Adsense?
For those who aren't familiar with it, Google Adsense are contextual ads that run on a web publishers (Big Sky Fishing.Com) site. These ads are easy to find, even on this page. Just look down on the bottom left and you'll see the little "Ads by Google" thing which is perched on top of five ads. Google manages everything about it. All a publisher has to do is to slap a banner or ad unit on their site.
Google Adsense displays contextual ads. What are contextual ads? Simple, contextual ads are based on the content of your web page. Thus, a web page about "montana fly fishing"...of which there are many on Big Sky Fishing...will display ads by advertisers who use the Google AdWords system to run ads that are shown in Google Search for the term "montana fly fishing." In real life, what this means is that Big Sky Fishing displays many ads for Montana fishing guides, resorts, hotels and, to some degree, realtors...all of whom are interested in advertising their products and services to people interested in the topic "Montana Fly Fishing." (see example of a "typical ad")
These contextual ads pay on a per-click basis. Thus, the publisher does not earn anything until a visitor to their website clicks on a link in the ad. That is, the publisher makes nothing to display the ads. Instead, the publisher gets a % of the ad revenue that Google receives each time somebody clicks on an ad. The % of revenue that Google gives the publisher is something that nobody really knows, for whatever reason, Google chooses to keep that a secret. However, many sites have estimated that the publisher's share of the ad revenue is between 65% - 80% (my guess…70%).
Google Adsense is Ideal for Content-Rich Websites
Displaying Google Adsense contextual ads on your website is an ideal, an exceptionally simple way, to make money from your website. The more quality content you have on your website, the more the odds increase of you making a "livable wage" through your Adsense earnings. The reason for this is because each and every page on your site now has the potential to make you money.
There are many strategies and "theories," not to mention fairy-tales, running around about how much you can make through Google Adsense. This then leads to the question. How much can you make through Google Adsense?
The bad news is that there is no "one answer." The good news is that on the next page I've preapred a guide on Realistic Earnings With Google Adsense.
Being Realistic About Google Adsense Earnings
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Big Sky Fishing.Com
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