Home Based Internet Business
What Is It?

Mt. Gould in Glacier Park

What is a Home Based Web Business?

A Web Based Home Business is a business that you create by publishing content on a web page. The content that you publish on the web page is then used to sell products or services that are related to the content of your web site.

Where would you rather be? Here in Glaicer Park, or in a office cube somewhere? A Home Based Web Business provides freedom like few businesses can.
Photo Use Guidelines

So, what kind of content can you publish on the Internet? Just about anything, that's what! The key is to simply find content that you are knowledgeable about and are interested in. Whether it be about fishing, hiking, photography or even quilting, by publishing your knowledge on the Internet, you have the capability to generate a nice, supplemental income.

For a simple example, just take a quick look around Big Sky Fishing. You will see lots of content about Montana and fishing. This content, which I'm knowledgeable about and am interested in, exists to provide information for people interested in visiting Montana to fish or just to take in the sights. Along with this content are numerous listings for products that visitors to bigskyfishing.com will frequently be interested in.

Thus, when visiting our section about the Missouri River, you will see product listings for float tubes, fly fishing books, fishing videos, fly rods, fishing boats and some general advertisements for things such as credit cards (which generally appeal to everyone).

So why does bigskyfishing.com list all these products. We list all these products because whenever a person purchases these products, we get either a flat fee or a commission on each product sold. That's why!

Best of all, none of the products listed at bigskyfishing.com are actually sold by us. Instead, we have teamed up with numerous merchants to be able to offer their products. This is called "affiliate marketing", since any web publisher (such as bigskyfishing.com) that sells products of other merchants is called an affiliate. Thus, bigskyfishing.com is an affiliate with Orvis, Cabela's, American Express and over 40 other merchants. Moreover, it does not cost the affiliate anything to be able to sell the products of these merchants.

It is always free to join a merchant affiliate program. While you will spend a lot of time developing content for your own web site and working in merchant links, you will not have to spend a penny to join a merchant affiliate program.

What is wonderful about affiliate marketing, and why it is such a good Home Web Business, is that the merchants handle all the inventory, sales, returns, customer service and everything else related to the actual sale of their product. Thus, the merchant actually sells the product.

The goal of the web publisher (remember, bigskyfising.com is a web publisher) is to provide enough information and create enough interest in the merchants' products to get visitors at our site to click on these product links. And every time a sale develops from one of these "clicks", a commission or flat fee is earned on each.

For a specific example, a visitor on our Missouri River floating page sees a product link to an inflatable raft from Sea Eagle. They click on this link that then takes them to the Sea Eagle page that shows detailed information about this inflatable raft. Should that person buy the inflatable raft, or any other product from Sea Eagle, we receive a commission for part of the sale. Sea Eagle themselves handle all aspects of the sale.

In a nutshell, a Home Based Web Business uses the content of a web site to sell products or services of merchants that are closely related to the web sites content. You, as a web publisher, then get a fee or commission for each sale of a product that occurs.

Now that you know what a Home Based Web Business is, lets get started on how to start setting one up.

Next Page : Web Based Home Business - Time Requirements

Recommended Free Information.......

If you really want to know more about what a Home Based Internet Business is and to learn more about affiliate marketing, I strongly recommend signing up for a free e-mail course called the "Affiliate Masters Course". I came across this course by accident, looking for ways to improve my search rankings and to improve conversions during some frustrating times in October of 2002, soon after launching Big Sky Fishing.

Well, turns out this course has a lot more. This free five-day email course (1 very long email per day) pretty much sums up all the vital information which you need to know to get started in launching a home based business.

I would personally recommend, due to easier viewing and to get all the information at once, to download the course instead (PDF File) - which is in PDF format. You can access the page to download this course by clicking here.

But...if you want the email course, you can also do the following:

To receive the Affiliate Masters Course by email, simply click on the link to send a blank email to : tasmfishing1@sitesell.net . Please make sure the "MASTERS" in the subject line is not changed - it is used to prevent spam.

Next Page : Web Based Home Business - Time Requirements


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