Fly tying is a wonderful way to create your own killer patterns, not to mention saving money by tying your own flies. Getting started in fly tying is not easy - as there is much to learn and some tools to buy. But once you find the motivation and have the equipment, fly tying can a a relaxing way to make your own unique flies during the long winter months.
Shown below are various books about fly tying that fly tiers of all levels may find useful.
Fly Tying Books
Click any of the links or images for more information about each book. All books available through Amazon.
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Trout Flies - Featuring over 1400 color photographs of fly patterns, this work should be a standard for those specializing in trout flies. |
Essential Trout Flies - A core list of flies that will catch trout anywhere, in every season, this collection includes the most important patterns in a wide range of styles, from dry flies to streamers. |