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Entering the Upper Missouri River Breaks National Monument

Entering the Upper Missouri River Breaks National Monument

This sign is about twenty-five miles from the beginning of the drive in Winifred. From this point on (when you're heading east toward the Kipp Recreation Area), the drive starts getting a LOT more interesting. Up to this point, the Missouri Breaks Backcountry Byway is a fairly easy and sedate drive that even 2wd passenger cars shouldn't have problems with except during the mud season. But lying in wait a bit beyond this sign, the "Backcountry" part of the Byway's name takes over.

As can sort of be seen in this photo, the road behind this sign is a "two-track" road. The road surface also makes a gradual shift from good condition gravel to a dirt surface. During the summer months, the dirt road is fine for travel. But during wet weather or during the mud season, this dirt becomes incredibly slick yet sticky (almost like a clay). As such, it truly is almost impassable.

Finally, beyond this sign, high-clearance really starts to be needed. A passenger car will have a rough go of it beyond this point due to all the ruts in the road that pop up out of nowhere.

More Information and Maps about the Missouri Breaks National Backcountry Byway

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